
Overview  2020

Entry Requirements

See entry requirements


Minimum .


Duration refers to the minimum and maximum amounts of time in which this course can be completed. It will be affected by whether you choose to study full or part time, noting that some programs are only available part time.


This course may not be available to international students. Please see the list of distance courses (i.e. online and taken outside Australia) that are offered to international students

Claire Duke Profile

"My studies into sustainability have been extremely useful in my home and I'm even working to implement more sustainable practices in my workplace.

I greatly enjoyed studying online and this diploma gave me the confidence in my academic ability to undertake further study while I work.”

Claire Duke
Graduate, Diploma of Sustainable Living
Applications are currently closed. If you are interested in studying the Diploma of Sustainable Living please express interest here and we'll contact you when applications open for 2022.
The climate is changing, and we all have a role to play in creating a more sustainable future. The online Diploma of Sustainable Living will help you learn about sustainability on a local, national and international level, and align your studies with what sustainable living means for you.

Throughout this course, you’ll learn practical knowledge about sustainability, and how to apply it to in your home, community, business or social enterprise.

The Diploma is aligned to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, and provides four engaging themes to focus your studies:

  • Environment, Ecology and Planet
  • Resource Use and Design for Living
  • Well-being and Health to Promote Sustainable Living
  • Social Justice, Equity, and Diversity

Upon graduation, you’ll have a better understanding of your connection to sustainability as an individual, consumer and citizen.

The Diploma of Sustainable Living aims to link participants’ lived experience as an individual, consumer and citizen with learning for sustainability at a range of scales; regional, nationally and globally.

The curriculum is structured around five narratives that are linked with selected UN Sustainable Development goals and include: sustainability at home; sustainability in the environment; sustainability as a social enterprise; sustainability to empower transformative change; sustainability and justice; and, sustainability and human health.

Sustainable Living specialisations
Environment, Ecology and Planet

Through everyday actions, plus maintaining global perspectives, you can promote environmentally sustainable practices to support life on land and below water.

Units in this specialisation align with the following UN Sustainable Development Goals:

  • #6 – Clean Water and Sanitation
  • #12 – Responsible Consumption and Production
  • #13 – Climate Action
  • #14 – Life Below Water
  • #15 – Life on Land
Resource Use and Design for Living

Design responsible and innovative use of resources and infrastructure to support sustainable living, from your own backyard, to your community, and beyond.

Units in this specialisation align with the following UN Sustainable Development Goals:

  • #7 – Affordable and Clean Energy
  • #8 – Decent Work and Economic Growth
  • #9 – Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
  • #11 – Sustainable Cities and Communities
Well-being and Health to Promote Sustainable Living

Promote sustainable living to improve health and well-being for all.

Units in this specialisation align with the following UN Sustainable Development Goals:

  • #1 – No Poverty
  • #2 – Zero Hunger
  • #3 – Good Health and Well-being
  • #12 – Responsible Consumption and Production
Social Justice, Equity, and Diversity

Identify opportunity and challenges related to sociocultural sustainability in communities. Change begins at home, and your awareness and impact in your own community can contribute to positive, global improvements.

Units in this specialisation align with the following UN Sustainable Development Goals:

  • #1 – No Poverty
  • #4 – Quality Education
  • #5 – Gender Equality
  • #8 – Decent Work and Economic Growth
  • #10 – Reduced Inequalities
  • #16 – Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

The practical experiences of this Diploma are what you make it through your choice of units, and as you take your sustainable living knowledge out into the world and make a difference.

While the Diploma of Sustainable Living is offered 100% online, depending on what you choose to study you could be:

  • growing a bigger, healthier and more productive garden thanks to your understanding of the Science of Gardening,
  • using the principles of Sustainable Design for Houses to inform your house renovations with a focus on improving impact on the environment and your health,
  • Helping maintain a healthy local ecosystem through your own Backyard Biodiversity,
  • Engaging in your community, exploring your local environment, and much more!

Career outcomes

As a graduate of the Diploma of Sustainable Living you will possess new skills, outlooks on living, and a deeper understanding of sustainability in an ever changing world which will complement your existing career direction.

Course structure

Entry requirements

Fees & scholarships

Domestic students


The Diploma of Sustainable Living is designed to be accessible to a wide audience. To help enable this, we offer generous scholarships for domestic students to help you to pursue your passion for sustainability.

For eligible domestic students, all units studied as part of the Diploma of Sustainable Living that commence after 16 June 2020 and have a census date prior to 31 December 2021 will be receive a 100% HECS (Higher Education Contribution Scheme) scholarship. This means the entire cost of the Diploma can be covered by a scholarship.

The HECS scholarship is applied to your record as soon as possible after you enrol in the unit(s) of your choice within the Diploma of Sustainable Living. Initially, your invoice in eStudent may reflect the cost of the unit. Sometimes it may take up to a week after your enrolment is processed, but please be assured your correct invoice will appear in eStudent after this time.

You may notice on the individual unit pages that the costs of the units are explicitly stated. Please be assured that the cost for units studied under this Diploma commenced after 16 June 2020 and with a census date prior to 31 December 2021 will be 100% covered by a HECS Scholarship for eligible students.

Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF)

For eligible students, the Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF) is waived for units that commence after 16 June 2020 and have a census date prior to 31 December 2021 when studied under the Diploma of Sustainable Living.

Completing an eCAF

A requirement for all students receiving a HECS Scholarship for this unit is compulsory completion of the eCAF. The eCAF (electronic Commonwealth Assistance Form) is a government form that is available online through eStudent. Completing the form is a requirement for all students, and instructions and support to complete the eCAF form is included in your enrolment process.

Should you have any problems submitting your eCAF, please contact us by email course.info@utas.edu.au or call 1300 363 864.

*Domestic students include Australian citizens or students holding Permanent Humanitarian Visas or with Permanent Resident Status. Citizens of countries outside of Australia (excluding New Zealand), are not eligible to study this unit.

How can we help?

Do you have any questions about choosing a course or applying? Get in touch.

13 8827 (13 UTAS)
+61 3 6226 6200
Online enquiries

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